City of secrets destiny 2 quest step
City of secrets destiny 2 quest step

This perk can only be activated when your Super is fully charged and will stop when you reload or stow Ager’s Scepter, or when your Super energy runs out. While in this state, the beam will slow and freeze enemies on contact too. This looks like it’s going to be a Lost Sector, but Bungie has added an entire new area to the Hallowed Grove in the EDZ, a mini jumping puzzle that isn. With this perk, you’ll be able to literally supercharge Ager’s Scepter by holding the reload button to begin consuming your Super energy to boost the damage of the Stasis beam and overflow the magazine.


Once you’ve completed the catalyst, Ager’s Scepter will be masterworked, meaning multikills with the weapon will generate Orbs of Power, and you’ll unlock the ‘Will Given Form’ catalyst perk. Destiny 2 - EASY Taken Bosses/Mini Bosses - City of Secrets - Malfeasance Exotic Quest Guide A quick and easy guide on how to defeat 25 Taken Bosses and Mini Bosses for the second step of the. Complete the mission variant of strike 'The Corrupted.' 4. List updated as of Season of the Haunted’s release (S17). The Corrupted Help the Drifter track the thief who stole from him. All Destiny 2 Exotic Quests as of Season of the Lost. City of Secrets Search for clues about the thief in the Dreaming City. Secondly, destroying Illusory Barriers in the Shattered Realm will also grant additional catalyst progress. The Seething Heart Speak to the Drifter at the Tower. First of all, precision kills with Ager’s Scepter count as more than one kill. For this one you’ll need 1,000 kills, which is a lot compared to the usual 500 kill, but there are several thing you can do to reduce the amount of kills needed.

city of secrets destiny 2 quest step

Like most other catalyst, the Agers Scepter Exotic Catalyst requires players to get a lot of kills using the weapon.

City of secrets destiny 2 quest step